04 November 2007

Story of a Little Girl

There was a little girl
So innocent about the world around her
She love to do what other children does
She thinks like other children think
One of her illusions is of fairy tales
Mommy was the princess
Daddy was the handsome prince
And their house was the palace
So simple was the world for a child like her

Fate, however, became the wicked witch
For her innocence about the world was shattered
So shattered was she that she can no longer dream of a happy ending
Her illusion was ruined by the people
Who she thought would make real
The lines: happily ever after
And she thought, “fairy tales do not exists,
And those who believe it are doomed”

The little girl soon grew up
No longer believing in fairy tales and happy endings
She can no longer trust anyone, even herself
She believes that anyone would hurt her
So she casts a wall around her heart
Not permitting anyone to enter
But deep inside the little girl wants to reach out
For anyone who can help her
To mend her heart and break her walls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ang sad ng story... :(