19 October 2009

What I'm Looking For

I want someone who will accept me for what I am
Not judge me for what I lack
Helps me to stay grounded
Loves the people that I love
Mature enough to face defeat
Lends a shoulder to cry on
Makes me smile when the world is on my shoulders
But most of all, I want someone who my heart chose and not by my brain

09 September 2009

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for this day
Another chance to right what is wrong
Another chance ti be forgiven
Another chance to forgive those who have wronged us
Put in our hearts love for our neighbors
So that we may live in harmony
Teach us to respect one another
For without respect there could be no peace


14 August 2009


Tomorrow I will rise to see a brand new day
Tomorrow I will see new faces that come my way
Tomorrow I will have to face new challenges
Tomorrow I will have a new experience
Tomorrow I can share my new experience
Tomorrow I will have to sleep to but will rise to see another day

*I wrote this a while back...

12 August 2009

A prayer

Dear Lord,

I give you a beloved of mine
Invite him/her in your arms
For I know that Your Love
Is greater than what I can give
Thank you for sharing him/her to me
Though our time together may be short
I know time will come
When I will rejoin him/her
In Your loving embrace


09 August 2009

A prayer

Dear God,

Teach us to be patient
Teach us to be kind
Teach us to be compassionate
So that in time that we are troubled
May we hold each others hands


14 June 2009

By the Sea

By the sea, I walked
To clear my head
To watch the waves
To gather my thoughts

By the sea, I thought of home
How I was raised
How I was loved
How I will live

By the sea, I thought of love
What it means to me
What it is to be loved
What people do for love

By the sea, I thought of life
Why people try to be better
Why we search for that something
Why we fear death

By the sea, I thought of death
Wonder why there are those who come to pass
Wonder when will be my last breath
Wonder if someone will care

By the sea, I realized
Nothing is will stay as it is
Nothing in the world will not wither
Nothing can withstand time