16 October 2007

feeling drained and depressed

I hate this feeling. I have a lot of things to do but I just can't focus on anything. The week isn't even on its halfway, but the feeling is like it is already Thursday. My body wants to lie down and my brain already wants to shut down. I don't want to show may face to our thesis mentor tomorrow. I just don't want to think of what his comments will be on our paper. I just remembered, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow. Wednesdays are supposed to be my restday. Unfortunately, my professor scheduled a make up class. Thursday is a full day for me. I have 4 classes, each is a 1.5 hour class. I have to study for our graded dialogue in French, make handouts for my reporting and read the assigned materials for the two other classes (boring! plus, its long). I'm currently waiting for my thesis groupmate. I hope we finish early. . .

I'm discerning whether I would attend our make up class.

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